Hi all!! I hope that this message finds you doing well and enjoying your Sunday! I just wanted to let you know what our Sunday here, in Delhi, included and leave you with a few prayer requests for tomorrow.
First, we started the morning with a wonderful Indian breakfast, which, after only 3 hours of sleep was just what we needed to get us moving this morning. Then, our team of 5 split into 2 groups to visit house churches. Shayna and Bethany went with Vijay to one house church in Delhi and Cara, Jamie and I went with Pastor BN to another house church. It was such a GREAT experience for all of us and each of us left with very valuable lessons from this first day. One was simply to see the church, a body of believers, worshipping in very tiny rooms and on rooftops......anywhere they had room and to see their freedom in worship. You'll have to ask us for our individual stories when we get back home.....I'm certain that none of us will decline an invitation to talk about it. :-) After a time of worship and a lesson from the Word, we met back up at McDonald's (only, this McD's has no "Big Mac" on their menu) and had our chicken sandwiches and veggie burgers.
After lunch, we visited for a few more minutes with BN and with Vijay, then we set out to visit a Hindu temple. The best word that I can think of to describe what was saw was simply disheartening. It's such a HUGE place with beautiful parks and a very nice building, but it's occupied with so many false gods that so many people come to worship. They also had lots of pictures and sayings from the Gita around and it really did make it far more easy to understand how false doctrine has crept into the church. Vijay also pointed out to us a group of people that he said was a bride's family and groom's family meeting to plan a wedding for an arranged marriage. Quite interesting to think about, isn't it?
A few prayer requests for tomorrow are for the women and kids that we will encounter in the slums and for the words to say when we visit with them. We also ask for a restful night's sleep for our team and for continued prayer for our partners here.
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