So, last night we had to have a little discussion about the benefits/drawbacks of leaving the windows open so that we could have some air-flow in our room through the night. The benefit - air flow. The drawback - bugs bigger than you’ve ever seen in your life flying in the room and landing/crawling on you in your sleep. We went for the unknown of leaving the windows open and risking the creatures invading our room.....which they did. BUT, I was able to sleep about 2.5-3 hours at a time during the night, which was a welcome blessing and something that hadn’t happened since about a few days before leaving Birmingham. Tuesday started a lot like Monday with devotion around 7:30 with chai and then breakfast immediately following. Our breakfast this morning was different and consisted of bananas and eggs with a jelly sandwich.....Megan was pretty excited about this particular breakfast!
After the events of yesterday and our discussions, we realized that 4 hours is a LONG time to spend at the school each morning...especially with translation difficulties. What we learned from Monday, though, was that we needed to hire an interpreter at this point. So, what we had discussed was that Michael would take all of the boys with the hired interpreter and the 4 ladies would take all of the girls with Andrew as the interpreter. We now had a plan and we headed out to the school around 10:15. Once we got there, they all came into the worship room and we started off by singing a song or of which we taught them. They LOVE songs with motion, so we taught them “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High” with motions and all. After this, we split into our groups and Michael took the guys outside while the girls stayed inside. Yesterday, the boys stayed inside while the teachers we were with worked feverishly to keep us white-skinned people out of the sun to protect us and to help keep us a little cooler.
The groups are receiving their instructions |
Once everyone had split up, we divided the girls into 4 groups - 1 for each lady leading the group and we discussed the story of the Prodigal Son. Since we realized yesterday that they love competition so much, we gave them about 10-15 minutes to discuss the story in each group and then we asked them questions to test their knowledge. For each question they answered correctly, they were able to roll the large die and then accumulate points. They understood the story quite well - without the help of any adult....I think that they’ve heard this one before. After we questioned them, we tested their ability to memorize the scripture (we had told them while they were in their groups to choose 1 girl from each group to represent the group in memorizing as many scriptures as they can). Most recited 4-8 verses from the story, but what really floored us was that 1 girl recited 14 verses from the story!!!!! 14 VERSES......after only 10 minutes!!!! Luke 15:11-24....again, 14 verses in only 10 minutes. And, she didn’t simply tell the story from scripture, she recited the reference with each verse!!! What a humbling experience to witness.....I doubt seriously that I would be able to memorize 5 verses with reference in an hour and this child was able to memorize 14 verses in 10 minutes WITH scripture references!!
Each group worked diligently to get the understanding of the story and to learn the scriptures |
After this, we felt like it was time to add something of a lighter note, so we continued our competition in a pretty creative way. I had brought some balloons to make some balloon animals, so Andrew thought it would be fun to teach the girls how to make balloon animals. It was pretty fun, actually! Each girl made a dog out of her balloon, then the competition was introduced. All of the balloons were strategically placed around the room while each of us (leaders of the 4 teams) discussed with our teams instructions....left, right, down, forward, etc.... Then, each team leader was blind-folded and turned around a time or 3 and followed the instructions of the girls on the team to pick up as many balloon animal dogs as she could within a few minutes. My group came in 2nd, but I was pretty impressed with the directions that they gave me.....part of me wants to argue the final results, but I will accept 2nd at this point. Unfortunately, I can’t find any photos of this particular game.....I so wish that I could, though!
After we finished at the school, we headed back to the church compound, had lunch and were finally able to take a little advantage of the afternoon “rest” by catching a short nap during the heat of the day.
Playing the game of Snakes and Ladders |
The telling of the story of the Prodigal Son to those
who stayed to visit more with us |
After our rest, we went to visit 2 more hand-pump sites. When we arrived at the first one, they were very welcoming to our information and our games that we played (same as the previous day with the river-crossing skit, then the lesson on microbes and the Snakes and Ladders game). They got involved in the roll play and asked us to visit some of their houses. Mike was asked to share a parable, but was told that he couldn't mention Jesus as there were about 30+ people present and we were in the open. He told the story of the Prodigal Son and then followed up with questions which were very interesting. We asked (well, Mike, on our behalf asked) if they had seen people like us before. They said, "no". Then, he asked, what makes us so different and they responded that they had not seen people with that "skin color and hair color” - I’m pretty sure that the hair color one was a reference to me as I was the only non-brunette in the group. This is something that I’ve sort of gotten accustomed to since this was my 3rd visit to the country.....and, I’m a bit taller than most of them too. We visited a few other houses in this village and then headed out to the second hand-pump site of the day.
One of the houses we were privileged to visit in the first village |
Sunset view at the first village we went to on Tuesday |
Praying with the ladies with whom we were able to share |
When we arrived, it was already dark, so there were very few people present. We saw the hand-pump site, which was right in front of a Hindu temple structure - I can’t explain the emotions that this brings up in a land where so many gods are worshipped, the One, True and living God is providing clean water to the people and they don’t even recognize it. It takes me back to the Old Testament so often of how God’s glory gets misplaced and the worship that He alone deserves is given to earthly idols and man-made creations. It’s Romans 1 lived out on a daily basis! At this site, there were a couple of ladies present and they invited us in to their home. Since we were in a home and the men of the home weren’t present, we had an open door to share the gospel with these ladies. Heather shared the story of the Prodigal Son story with them. She followed the story by asking these ladies if they had ever heard of Jesus. They responded that, yes, they had heard of him, from the Catholic Church. They also added that he was one of the idols. While we know that this was not the message of the Catholic church, this was the message that these ladies received. So, we were able to follow this statement with explaining how Jesus is not simply another idol, but He alone has sacrificed so that we can have life and He demands all worship from us and He alone is to be praised and worshipped.....there is no other. I was able to pray with these ladies in their home and the reality that they now have heard the truth of the gospel that God created the world; every human is corrupted by sin; God’s Son, Jesus Christ, was sent to bear the wrath of sin and to prove His power over death by His resurrection; all who believe on Him ALONE will be reconciled to God forever. These ladies and those in their household have now heard the basic, simple truth that is the gospel and didn’t choose to follow Christ that night. We will continue to pray for these ladies that God will open their eyes and draw them to Himself to give them forgiveness and restoration that can be found in no other idol on this planet.....not even in one of the multiple millions that are worshipped in India.
After this visit, we went back to the school property for a snack and then time with the evangelists. Our plans shifted a little and Megan, Heather and I headed back to the church property while Brooke and Roshni visited to try and reduce some of the effects of the motion sickness induced by the heat and rather bumpy, swervy ride to the villages. Megan, Heather and I decided to use our time as wisely as we could by washing a few clothes and taking care of a few other things before dinner. When Brooke, Michael, Andrew and Roshni returned, we had dinner and then got ready for bed.
Things of the day that I found very hard to reconcile include:
- The image of Jesus as just one of many idols. Since this is my 3rd trip to India, this is something that I’ve been introduced to each time, but I’ve never really had the experience of being in someone else’s home who views my Savior as simply 1 idol among many that can be worshipped. It breaks my heart for them as it’s a clear picture that the god of this world is blinding the hearts of men to keep them from learning about the truth of the One, True God.
- There are hindu temples set up on the sides of the road by each house that we pass....some built of more sturdy foundations than the houses that they are in front of. It is clear that more value is placed on worshipping a dead god/idol than building the structure that protects them from the rain, heat and scorching sun of each day. Not only that, but they are completely devoted to the worship of these idols that have no value. I don’t think that I can explain well the emotions that this brings out in me.
Today was another LONG, HOT DAY!!!! But, after the day that God has ordained as today, I’m eagerly awaiting what He has in store for us tomorrow!!