Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday - we FINALLY were able to get started doing what we came for!

Buagyi (sorry - it's a bit long; a LOT happened)

This morning, we were up and ready at our usual time to have breakfast at 7:30 and to be ready to leave the center at 8:00.  We actually left around 8:15 and started on the road to Buagyi - we were originally planning to visit this village on a different day, but given the events of yesterday, we had to shift our plans as we knew that we could get to Buagyi without too much trouble.  The ride there still had enough adventure with the treacherous places in the road and it seemed as if more and more drivers were being risky in trying to cross the muddy areas.  At one point, Agustina, our driver, asked us to all get out of the vehicle so that it would be a little lighter as he tried to cross the muddy road and then we would walk across and hop back in the truck and be on our way on the other side.  We were able to get some text messages out to friends and family to ask them to pray for no rain for the next few days due to the fact that we know if it rains anymore, we will not be able to get to the villages that we plan to visit because of the additional damage it will do to the roads.
Of course, we had to take advantage of a photo op here!!

As we continued on the way, there were other places that were a little "sketchy" (I think that's the best way to describe it) and we sped through the mud here.  But, if you've ever been driving in some thick, muddy roads, you know how trucks tend to react, so it pulled a little to the right and we almost hit the side of a parked truck that wasn't able to pass.  We would've literally T-boned that truck....we came within about 3-inches of hitting it.  So, to try and lighten the situation a little, as Agustina was backing up to go around the truck, Bethany and I began to sing "Hakuna Matata - it means no worries....." (I think my dad would be so proud that these words came out of my mouth since he tells me that all the time!!).

We arrived at the village around 10:45 and got settled in and met the Pastor, Chief, the ladies that Bethany and I would be spending time with and a few other people who were there.  The community health worker, Darius, was there and was our interpreter during the day.

Once all of the greetings were exchanged and those there had met our whole team, we each went into our classrooms to begin doing what we came here to do.  Don was in 1 classroom and was getting a map of the village to see where all the clans are located in relation to the significant landmarks (borehole, market, school, etc....).  Jack was in another classroom teaching the pastors and church leaders that were present Romans 1-8.

The ladies that came to talk to us in Buagyi
Once Bethany and I got settled, we moved right into the malaria teaching and Bethany did a great job leading this part.  The ladies seemed to enjoy hearing that, although they said that they knew most of it already.  Repetition is key here, though, so it never hurts to say the same thing several times and several ways to reinforce the importance of the point.  One of the things that we made certain we did was ask them if they had any questions about the information that we presented and they did.  I was excited that they spoke up to ask them, too.....even though we didn't necessarily have great answers for them.  One of the questions was how to get rid of/control mosquitoes in/around the latrines in the village.  Our best advice was "just go really fast," but, of course they had already thought of that one!  And, they countered it, too, so Darius took over and answered that question for us.  We were quite grateful!  To end the malaria talk, we had a game for them to play to test their knowledge on the information and they really liked that!!

After the game, we moved right into talking about another “sickness” that everyone on the planet suffers from and only 1 can cure!  I led this portion and started off with Genesis 1:26-28 and focused on the creation of man and the perfect relationship with God that was established and how God had already provided for every need even before He placed man on earth.  That was immediately followed with the fall of man found in Genesis 3:6-7 and that led us straight to Romans 3:23-24 to talk about the sufficiency of Christ to overcome sin!  The next topic we discussed was the necessity of faith and we focused on Romans 5:1-5 for this.  Then, I asked them if they were promised tomorrow and some said "yes" while others said "no."  So, we turned to James 4:13-15 to show them that no one is promised another minute and how there is an urgency to submit to Christ and His Lordship before the end of their lives.  They seemed to understand well what we had taught them.  At the end of this teaching, we asked them if they had any questions and the ladies present didn't really have any, but Darius spoke up and asked a few questions that he had.  Here they were:
What a great experience - answering Darius's questions with truth
  • He has a friend who is growing weary waiting for the 2nd coming of Jesus and wants to know how to encourage his friend as he waits and looks for Jesus. (we took a quick journey through scripture to find the answer to this one)
  • Darius asked if people who go to hell will, after a time, be allowed to come back and rectify their lives?  Or, after a time, will they be allowed to go to heaven? (I pointed him to the story of the rich man and Lazarus to answer this question)
  • He asked if the thousand year reign had already begun - For this, we went to Revelation, which led to other questions!!

Every time that he asked a question and we answered it, Darius would interpret the question and the answer for the ladies present to make sure that they also got the knowledge.  During this conversation, too, Darius made some great points about Satan being limited by God's authority.  This was awesome news for us to hear that he understood this concept.  However, he didn't completely understand that bad things can happen to people even if they aren't living in sin - so we took a journey through Job for a little more explanation.  This went on for about 1.5 hours!!  What a great interaction to have today after yesterday having been so frustrating.

When we arrived back at the compound in Mundri, we had a little time to take showers before dinner.  For dinner, we had "greens," rice, and bread.  Don asked Paul (Archbishop of the whole world - please see posts from November 2011 for explanation), "back home, we call these greens, what do you call them?"  Paul answers, "Greens."  Then, he continued, "Agba is our word for green."  So, I chime in and say, "instead of Louanne, which is very hard to say, you can just call me Agba since Green is my last name."  And, so goes the accumulation of names for me in South Sudan!

It didn't rain today!!  YAY!!  However, it was quite hot on the journey to and from the village.

We took a little time to debrief tonight from the day's events and even talk a little about future trips to this area and focus points of those trips.  When we had been doing this for about 20 minutes, the gentleman that was our security at the compound came in and turned off all of the lights to the compound and told us all to be very quiet.  About that time, we heard a gunshot, then another.  He told us that we had needed to turn off all lights so as not to draw any attention to ourselves.  So, there we sat for over an hour in the compound, dark and trying not to talk above a whisper.  Can I tell you that those 60+ minutes were probably 60 of the longest minutes I can ever remember?!?!  During this time, the security guard walked around the premises simply making sure that no one got into the compound where we are. 

After this (it almost felt like time stood still, so I don’t know how long it really was), our security guard came back and told us that all was clear and that the police had found those responsible and arrested them.  He also told us that the soldiers had gone without pay for 3 months now and they received their pay this weekend and some of them came into town and drank too much alcohol and began to shoot their guns in the air.  They finally told us that it was all clear and we were good to go.  We asked if we could use the latrine and they said that we could - then, I'm pretty sure that they were making fun of us when we asked if we could use our flashlights.

Just before going to bed, I told Bethany the one scripture that came so easily to mind was Psalms 46, which reads:
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, through its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns. The nations rage, the kingdoms totter; he utters his voice, the earth melts.  The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.  Selah.  Come, behold the works of the Lord, how he has brought us desolations on the earth.  He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the chariots with fire.  ‘Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!’ The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.  Selah.”  (emphasis added)

That is one thing that this event forced us to do since we have been so eager to complete what's on our schedule and get everything done and He has challenged us each day with something....yesterday was rain; today was misbehaving soldiers.

Tomorrow, we plan to attend worship services at 2 different churches and then will come back to the compound, have lunch and Jack will spend 3-4 hours with the local pastors talking with them about creation and the fall of man and using that to lead him into teaching from Romans 1-8. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday - OH, the adventures that our first full day here brings.....

Today, our plan was to load up in the LandCruiser and head out to Matta - the farthest village from where we are staying in Mundri.  We estimate it should take around 3-ish hours to get there.  Once we started our trip, though, it was easy to see that it was going to be a LONG day (and a LONG week for that matter) because the roads were really washed out due to all of the rain.  If you aren't aware, there are only about 10 miles of paved roads in the young country of South Sudan and they are in the capitol city of Juba.....a little over 100 miles from where we are staying.  So, you guessed it.....7 consecutive days of rain, red dirt/mud road = TRAVELING FRUSTRATION!!

Early on in the trip, Jack made the statement, "just imagine, this is the good road."  Of course, I just couldn't let that go and I had to reply, "I think this is the only road."  And, yep, for where we were coming from and going to, this was our only option!!  Jeffreys actually told us earlier in the day that the worst car accident that they have ever had happened about 5 days prior when 12 people died as their LandCruiser was swept away by the river.  And, if you've never had the privilege of spending much time in one of these LandCruisers, I will testify:
#1 - Toyota makes a mighty fine automobile!!!!
#2 - They aren't afraid to take these things across puddles of water (running or standing)
#3 - These vehicles were able to get us into/out of places where other vehicles were getting stuck pretty badly.
Our trusty transportation for the week!!  You'd be surprised at what this vehicle can go through.....

The road is BLOCKED!
So, as we continued down the road, the conclusion I came to about the rain is that it's GREAT for temperatures (lowers them drastically - if you've ever felt the heat of the Sudanese sun, you'll be able to well sympathize).  BUT, it's BAD for the roads (which means at times, no one can pass in certain places), bad for the crops as this year, they have not survived well due to the increased rain fall, and it brings lots of mosquitoes since they love standing water!  Another story that Jeffreys told us as we were on our way to Matta was that the week before, there were 60 trucks (picture 18-wheelers here) lined up for 4 days because 1 of them was stuck in the muddy road.  We made it to Lui and past 3 of the other villages on the agenda for the week, then a couple of miles later, there we were.....stopped!!  Along with a number of other South Sudanese people who couldn't pass the road here.  Agustina (our driver this year) parked the truck and went to assess the damage as someone had told him just as we were stopping that there was no longer a road up ahead.  What he found, though, was that there remained a road, it simply was impassible at this point because of the number of vehicles that were stuck.  Jeffreys told us that once this truck was pulled out, we will be able to pass and we were determined to make it to this village today.

Just an example of the trucks trying to get through the roads
While we were waiting, a Sargent with the medical corp (Santiago) walked over to our truck and began to talk with Jack.  He told us that he and some others in his unit had been stopped here for 2 days already due to the road conditions and he was trying to get back to work.  Jack began to ask him questions about his faith and salvation.  Santiago told Jack that he does pray twice a day.  So, Jack followed that up with a question about who he prays to and I honestly didn't hear the answer to his question.  But, the next thing I did hear was Jack asking him if he had a personal relationship with Christ and Santiago said that he doesn't.  So, right there, on the side of the Juba Road, Jack was able to share the gospel of Christ with him!  If this is the only reason we came this far to stop, it was totally worth it!!

After about 4 hours in the car, we decided to change our plans for the week and pray that the rain would hold off and that the roads would be pass-able by early next week so that we could try again.  These villages are ~45 miles from the compound and with dry roads, it takes over 2 hours to reach!!

After we got back to the compound and settled down for the evening, we began to have some conversation with Jeffreys.  This man is such an incredible man of God and he's impressively well versed on American politics and history, too.  This is even more amazing since he doesn't even have daily access to the internet (he has to arrange time to visit a local NGO office so that he can check his e-mail).  He told us of research that he'd done on the faith of Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and John Adams.  He is convinced, based on what he knows of their lives, that these men were Christians.  He said, though, that there was 1 person he had been researching that he wasn't convinced is a Christian - Thomas Jefferson.  This man is so aware of what happens on the US political scene because, whether people at home know it or not, there has been little assistance given to this very new country by our current administration.

Throughout the day, all I could think of was that God has the power over all wind, waves, and rain and He chose to bring this area this much rain at this time and He also orchestrated our trip from the USA to Mundri, South Sudan and the 5 villages that are part of our agenda.  All I could focus on was Mark 4:36-39:
"And leaving the crowd, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was.  And other boats were with him.  And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat was already filling.  But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, 'Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?'  And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, 'Peace! Be still!' And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.  He said to them, 'Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?"  And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, 'Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?'"

Thursday, September 13, 2012

South Sudan 2012 - yep, we're going back!!

We spent all of the day Tuesday and Wednesday (11-12 September) flying from Birmingham to Entebbe, Uganda (through Detroit and Amsterdam).  We stayed overnight in Entebbe at the Lake Victoria View Guest House and had a "good rest" for the night - all of about 5 hours of sleep!!  It was great not to have to sleep on a plane, though.

On the 1st long Amsterdam

When we woke up this morning, it was VERY chilly in Uganda!  So chilly that I wish I had brought a coat with me....I wasn't expecting that at all!  Then, we loaded up and hit road to the MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) hanger at Kajjansi Airfield.  This is where we'll be loading up and boarding our 12-passenger plane to get into South Sudan.  Our pilot this trip was Simon (the same guy who took us into Mundri last year).  As we were boarding the small plane, Simon informed us a particular piece of global news that he thought we might want to know about (or maybe he thought we already knew, I'm not sure), but he told us of an attack on the US Embassy in Libya and the death of the US Ambassador there.  There was no other news to report that he was aware of, so we prayed, made the final preparations for take off, and we were officially on our way to Mundri!  Of course, we had to register our exit with Uganda in Arua, Uganda.  The next stop we made was just across the border to drop off 2 other passengers on the plane with us.
One of the benefits of flying in such a small plane is that you never really get up to an incredibly high elevation.  So, you can have a great view of what's going on down below.  As we were flying over Uganda and the southern most parts of South Sudan, I couldn't help that notice that most of their fields look ripe for harvest.  This is the end of the rainy season, so that makes perfect sense that they would be ready.  But, I notice very few people in the field who seem to be bringing in their harvest.  I also took a look around the plane at the 3 other members of my team and couldn't help but think of the spiritual harvest that is also waiting to be sowed and how few people actually brave the challenges of travel that it takes to actually make it into the areas we are going to.  It reminds me so much of Matthew 9:36-38:
Bethany and me while stopped at the Arua airfield
"When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.  Then he said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.'"

That's EXACTLY why we're here.  We're here to help point the people that we'll interact with during this week to Christ and also to help encourage the workers in the local ministries and churches that are already established there.  The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  As Don (our team leader) pointed out on this plane ride, "you have to really want to come here in order to do it.  It's not an easy place to get in and out of." He's exactly right!!  It's a place with very little resources and almost no conveniences of the western world...the only way there is by small plane that lands on a dirt/grass air strip (there is a road that runs through Juba that will also lead to the border so that you can cross into Uganda, but this still takes a VERY long time).

The White Nile River in South Sudan!
As we continued our flight to Mundri, the closer we got to the town, the more we could see the effects of a particularly harsh rainy season they have experienced.  The rivers were very swollen and overflowing their banks in many places in the country.  Simon, our pilot, had already told us that some roads had been flooded due to the excessive rain, but you don't really grasp what that means until you see it first-hand from the air.  But, from this viewpoint - you can get a very clear picture!

Once we arrived at the Mundri Conference Center, we were taken to meet the acting commissioner of the county where we were staying.  When we arrived back at the center, we were all quite exhausted after having traveled across 8 time zones with only about 6 hours of "good" sleep, so we decided we would "take a rest" (that's what we all call in the US taking a nap).  When we awoke, we were still very tired, so we covered a few logistical items for the day on Friday and then decided we would just all get in bed early.  So, as Bethany and I were in our room, all of a sudden she says to me, "it's only 8:15?"  I replied, "yep," to which she then asked, "you got anything you want to talk about?"  Of course, since we had been together for about 36+ hours traveling and experiencing the same things, I couldn't think of anything else to talk about at the moment, so my speedy reply was, "nope; I'm good.  Thanks!"  Then, we settled in to try and recover a few extra hours of sleep before we had to be ready for breakfast on Friday by 7:30, then ready to leave the compound by 8:00 to make it to our destination.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Our last day in India....for this trip!

Saturday morning started off a cool, comfortable hotel room even though I had to wake up a little early to dress my wound and make sure that it was safe from the elements.  We made sure all of our things were packed before we went downstairs for breakfast.....and the reality hits!  We are headed home TODAY!!!  Like, a little after midnight we'll be boarding a plane to head back to the US.  It’s over!!  It’s so bittersweet because in one way, I do miss being able to talk with my family, small group and friends, and I’m excited to see them, but I know that there is so much work to do to share the true gospel with the people here that I don’t want to leave.  As I said in my last post, I know what awaits me at home and I know how easy it is to let this just be an experience and then to get sucked back into the materialism and the fleshly desires of this world and to not be intentional to pray for the people I’ve spent the past week living alongside.  And, it was just a week!!!  7 days we were in the country (3 full days of travel make the total trip 10 days, but we were only in the country 7 days)!!  I remember the first conversation I had with Spencer about the agenda as he reminded me how hot it was going to be (which he felt the need to do every time we talked about India).....all I could think was, “WOW....this is AMBITIOUS!!!”  And, when I say “ambitious,” what I really mean is “I don’t see any way possible that we will be able to do this in this kind of heat and still be effective witnesses of the gospel.”  WELL....little did I know (truly, I do know this, but I get reminders on a daily basis because I forget it often), God has this whole thing rigged!  In ways I can’t really describe, He sustained us, He energized us, He gave us the words to speak and allowed us more opportunities to share His love, grace and mercy than I could’ve imagined.
The BrookHills Young Single's well

Now, onto what we did Saturday....after breakfast, we loaded our luggage into the taxis and headed out to visit the Neverthirst office in Kolkata.  Andrew and Roshni taught us a little more in depth about the differences between the 2 programs that are in place at Neverthirst and how they operate differently.  They have a program called Water is Life and the other is the Adopt-a-Village program.  The one that was the focus of our visit was the Adopt-a-Village program, so we got to see first-hand what goes into the efforts associated with this program.....and it’s totally worth every cent donated to the organization.  I’m sure that any of us would be more than happy to share with you why when you have time.  After spending a little more fellowship time at the office, we then prayed over all of the prayer requests for the month of May together as a group and gave God praises for the things that He has already done and is continuing to do to bring His great name great glory amongst these people by meeting a physical need that leads to the ability to be able to meet their spiritual need, which only can happen through Christ.
After our visit at the Neverthirst office, we did a little sight-seeing in Kolkata before heading to the airport to fly to Delhi.  And, to be honest, I have mulled over what to say in this paragraph for about a month now, which is why this post is so late in getting finished.  I want my heart to be communicated clearly and I haven’t been sure how to do that, so I’m just going to try....and hopefully you will see a glimpse of what I saw.  Our first visit in Kolkata was to Mother Teresa’s house.  This was, well, interesting to say the least.  Honestly, it was quite creepy, to be completely blunt!!  They have literally memorialized EVERYTHING of hers!!  And, by everything, yes, I mean everything down to her toothbrush!  There were Saris that she wore, her china and silverware, quotes from her and many, many more things that they had displayed in display case after case.  Now, please don’t get me wrong, I completely understand that Mother Teresa was a very influential person and she did some amazing work, specifically amongst the “untouchables” in East India.  However, the thing that bothered me most was that her theology was “Jesus +.....” not “Jesus alone.”  Scripture knows nothing of “Jesus +....” and it broke my heart to see the wonderful works that this woman did and how she literally gave her life to this work, but when you measure her life against what scripture says, I am not certain that she lived by faith alone.  The reason that I say this is because of various quotes of hers posted throughout the display hall and on pamphlets that were handed to us where she clearly pointed to Jesus + a work (be it the rosary, ministry activities, or any other good work).  The point here is that, again, scripture knows only faith in Christ for salvation, not plus anything else...including the rosary or any ministry activity.  the other thing that struck me to the core was that so many people were there to come and see this place.  In a country that already worships more false gods than you or I can imagine, they are coming to visit a place where a woman did such great works, but all of these remnants of her mortal life are memorialized here.  Now, I do measure her life against the words of Paul written from prison found in Philippians 1:15-18, “Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will.  The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel.  The former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment.  What then?  Only that in every way, whether in pretense or truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice.”  So, I have no doubt that God used her life to lead people to Himself, but I do believe that many are deceived still.
Not to be so hard on Mother Teresa because you may very well be asking, “well, you hypocrite, you travel to the other side of the planet to share the gospel, isn’t that a work?”  And, my answer is, definitely, that is a work!  I don’t deny that a bit, but I don’t do it to earn my salvation.  My salvation is secure in Christ (and was secure in Christ) alone before I ever realized that only 5% of the world’s population lives in the United States of America, which was the only place I ever felt the need to share His gospel for years!  God has used various events in the past 6 years to transform my heart to show me a love for a people on the other side of this world that I can’t explain in’s simply a matter of trusting Him and following Him where He leads....with no reservations!  It’s following the words of Christ as he explains the cost of following him in Luke 9:57-62, “As they were going along the road, someone said to him, ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’  And Jesus said to him, ‘Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.’  To another he said, ‘Follow me.’  But he said, ‘Lord, let me first go and bury my father.’  And Jesus said to him, ‘Leave the dead to bury their own dead.  But as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of god.’  Yet another said, ‘I will follow you, Lord, but let me first say farewell to those at my house.’  Jesus said to him, ‘No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.’”  Note the urgency here....and what’s so scare to me is that these men were with Christ, in the flesh!!!  And, they had doubts and they had earthly desires that they wanted to take care of first.  And, Jesus said, “no.”  The reason that’s so scary to me is that how much more do we want to take care of the worldly things first, then follow Him; when what He’s saying is to follow Him.....period!  No reservations, nothing held back.....follow Him!  So, the question, then, isn’t, “are you willing to work for your faith?”, but rather, “how is God going to work through you because of your faith?”  And, that’s what I hope you’ll see through the stories here and through my life as well because I hope that my faith is evident by everything that God calls me to do.  And, yes, I ask the Lord every day, “Is this still where you want me today?”  Today, I have confirmation that I’m EXACTLY where I’m supposed to be in the job that He’s given to me to hopefully be an influence to those He’s entrusted to me in that setting and to lead the amazing ladies in my small group that He’s entrusted to me.  Now, as for tomorrow, I’ll ask Him again, “is this where you want me to be today?” and I’ll wait for His answer.  Because I have found that life outside of His will is miserable, even though you can be surrounded by friends and a host of other “good” things of this world.  But, I’m convinced that to be in the middle of a hut on the other side of the world in heat over 110-degrees Fahrenheit with humidity like I’ve never experienced in the USA in my life with no power and a pretty large wound on my hand is far better than living a mediocre life with good things and selfish pleasures in the comforts of the USA.
I completely realize that I’m posting this on July 4....the day that we celebrate our independence as a nation and I know exactly what I just wrote in that last paragraph.  I get the inconsistencies, I promise I do.  Please know that I do love the freedoms that we celebrate here in the USA.  But, as I celebrate in this, my mind can’t help but drift to the only freedom that exists to man and that’s freedom in Christ and there are people who live on this planet in places where they will be born, live their whole life and die without having the opportunity to hear His gospel!!  These places exist, so in the celebration of our nation’s independence, my mind drifts to these people and my heart hurts because they don’t know the only giver of life and peace in Christ.
To be honest, I’m not really sure how to close this one out, other than to say that after our visit to Mother Teresa’s house, we headed to the airport to fly to Delhi, which began the journey back to where I am today.....completely certain that for today, I’m supposed to be here in Birmingham, AL.  And, as for tomorrow, I’ll see what God’s answer is to the question of, “where would you have me today?”

Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday was a bit different.....

The day started off well, at about 5:30-ish.....then it started going downhill from there.  I was moving a fan in our room when one of the wires on the back gave way and either it pulled my finger in it or it allowed my finger to be caught by the fan blade.  So, when Heather said, "something got caught in the fan," it took me a minute to reply and say, "yeah, it was my fingers."  Then, she graciously informed me that she saw blood, which made us grab up the bottled water and run for the shower to clean it out.  As Heather was so sweetly helping me to clean my wound, she informed me that she doesn't do blood.  So, while Megan was grabbing the first aid kit, I asked if Brooke or Mike were already up because I figured a mom or dad would be good at something like this....don’t ask, but this seemed like great logic at the time.  There were a few other moments thrown in there in the following 15 minutes, but I’m not sure that everyone involved wants them posted on a blog, so I’ll let those slide for now.  Brooke did come to help me finish cleaning out my wound and then came the conversation/debate of, “do I go to a a village in India......3 hours drive from any major city in the country?”  Well, I've never had stitches as a result of injury....only surgery, so this kind of freaked me out a little more.  Again, I thought, “we are about 3 hours away from any major city, in a village in I sure I want a MD to look at my finger and stitch it up?”  NOPE was the prompt and certain reply.  But, everyone didn’t jump on board as quickly as I did about this not going to the doctor thing.  So, we put some Neosporin (+ pain, by the way) on it and continued to apply pressure to stop the bleeding.  After a while, we bandaged it and wrapped the bandage very tightly to keep it nice and clean.  I even decided to make a $40 phone call back to the states just to get my brother’s opinion....or support, really, for not going to the doctor.  I really just wanted someone in my family to tell me that I wasn’t crazy for not going to the doctor and I knew that I couldn’t talk to my mom or dad.  My mom wouldn’t have been able to rest until she could see me and my finger had already been healed.  My dad, on the other hand, would’ve been a much more interesting conversation, most likely with him wanting to get on a plane to come and find me and make sure that I was OK.  So, I knew Danny was THE person to go to on this one.
I skipped out on the village visit today, thinking that the cleanliness of the multiple layers of exposed matter on my finger was quite important.  I joined the rest of the group at the school, though, to end our time here with a bang. It was a far more emotional time than I had thought it would be, too (the kids just as much as us were sad about our leaving).  The church presented us with shirts and spoke some very, very kind words to us.  We were able to sing a few motion songs with the children and take some pictures before we were allowed to serve them lunch and then head back to the compound where our cars were waiting for us to eat lunch and then begin our journey back to Kolkata.  Of course, we took advantage of a few photo ops during that time and got some great team pictures.
It only took us about 1.5 hrs to get back to Kolkata, which we were all surprised by (including Andrew) since it takes 3 hrs to get to the village??  We still aren't sure how this happened.  We were excited about it, but a little frightened that we were able to make it so far in such a short amount of time.
When we arrived in Kolkata, we had a few minutes to take a “rest” and I took full advantage of the air conditioning and light and sanitation and I re-dressed my wound.  Then, we went to the "new market," which is actually the oldest market in Kolkata, for some shopping.  While we were out, we went to a mall for dinner and we wanted something that was as close to American as we could find.....we settled on Chinese. We were able to meet a new Neverthirst employee, Dianne, who is now living in Kolkata and we were able to talk with her more about her work in India as well as her adjustment since arriving there.
Serving dinner to the kids at the school
What an event-filled, crazy, overwhelming, and emotional day!!!  It is so hard to believe that we’ve already been here for a week and that this is the last night in India, truly, since our flight leaves at 12:50 a.m. on Sunday morning.  It’s very bittersweet, to be’s HOT in Kakdwip/Kolkata, but I am going to miss those people; I haven’t gotten more than 2.5 hours of sleep at any one time on this trip, but I would be willing to stay for another month to see these kids get a grasp of the true gospel and then to start making disciples!  As hard as this past week has been, I’m almost not ready to board that plane to get back to the US.  I know what awaits me when I get back and I know how quickly I tend to forget these sights and sounds and faces and I don’t want to do that!  I want to pray intentionally for them and I want to be involved in helping them grasp and share the gospel with others.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Starting our day at the market....this should be interesting...

Thursday didn’t start out like the other days.  We woke up early, as we had every morning, but then we headed into town.  Our goal was to shop at the local market to buy the things that we needed so that we could cook an “American” dinner for everyone at the church compound.  We decided we would fry chicken, have some baked potatoes, another vegetable (we were undecided because there were a few things that we couldn’t describe very well with the language barrier) and a banana split type dessert.  Well, we had a few challenges with buying what we needed to make the above meal a reality.  We did find the ice cream pretty early in the trip, so we went ahead and got it.  We were able to find 1 package of “processed cheese,” which, in Brooke’s words, was “almost like Velveeta, but imagine a white cheddar cheese popcorn flavor.”  We couldn’t really find aluminum foil, but we still felt like we could improvise a little for the baked potatoes.  We found some okra and green beans and a few other vegetables that we could cook, but we felt like the green beans would be the safest option, so that’s what we picked.
While at the market, we also got a few items for the kids at the school to be given on behalf of St Mary’s Church.  We found some “good quality” pens for the older kids and some other appropriate pens for the younger children and we found some sporting equipment for them too.  The kids will now have good cricket bats, volleyball sets, badminton sets, and a few other things.  By this time (about an hour and a half), of course our ice cream has melted, but it’s ok, right?
Diving into Genesis....getting ready for our role-play for the evening.
After this adventure, we headed to the school to work with the children (much later than we had anticipated).  We had a great plan for them since our day was so scattered and we started it off by demonstrating what we were going to ask them to do.  We acted out the story of the “Rich Young Ruler” for them and asked them a few questions to make sure that they understood the story.  Then we gave them an assignment to complete during the day and to have ready by the evening when we came back.  We had come to realize that they have very little exposure to the Old Testament, so this sort of gave us the idea for our plan for the day.  Each team (6 teams in all) were to put together a roll play based on a part of Joseph’s life from Genesis.  Our teams were the exact same as the ones from Wednesday, which meant that I had a team of all boys.  What I didn’t know was that there was a little 13-year old who came out of his shell and finally let me know that he can actually speak English quite well!!  Like, almost as good as an interpreter.  He started asking me questions for everyone else in the group that they wanted to know and then told me that his hobby was learning about America!  HA!!  What an awesome thing to finally learn......I had been trying so hard to keep things simple and talk through another interpreter, but God had already provided a sweet little kid in the group with that knowledge!  HOW AWESOME!!  His name is Girish, by the way.  Our group was to act out the story of Joseph interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams, so after they read through it a couple of times and came up with an idea, I felt like we were good to go.
After we left the school, we went back to the church property for a late lunch, a “brief rest,” and then we loaded up and headed to the village we were visiting for the day.  We only had 1 village visit for the day because of the changes in schedule.  Since we had to make a few changes, what we did at this village was simply engage them in conversation and discussions regarding their newly installed well.  Of course, on our arrival, we were greeted by the people in the village with coconut water.....again.  In this particular village, there are currently over 100 families using the water from this well.  They told us, too, that their pond where they washed clothes and bathed had now dried up, so they use the well water for everything (drinking, cooking, cleaning, bathing, etc....).  They allow everyone to use the water from the well....not just those that helped to raise the money for the repairs and maintenance.  This was a very productive visit with the people here and was a really good change of pace....especially because the ride to get to the village was a good bit longer than the others had been.
After the village visit, we went back to the school and hung out with our groups a little more to finalize our skits and then just spend some more time getting to know them.  It was a fabulous night and, I have to admit, I was pretty impressed with how well these kids acted out the stories from the life of Joseph.  Then, as with every other lesson, we quizzed the kids to see how well they understood the information.  We made this one a little interesting, though, and played a game of snakes and ladders just to add an extra element of excitement.  There was a little time left to still visit with the kids after we finished the game and Girish was there with more questions for me.  One of the questions that he had for me was, “when are you coming back?”  My reply was, “I don’t know.”  He immediately turned around and went to the pastor to ask clarification on how to ask the question.  He came back and asked me again, “when are you coming back?”  I replied, “I am not sure.”  Again, he turned around (a little frustration on his face at this point) and went to the pastor to ask clarification on how to say it in English.  When he came back and started the same question again, I said, “I don’t know.”  I saw a VERY frustrated look on his face as he started to turn again back to the pastor.  I said, “no, I understand what you’re saying, I just don’t really have an answer for you.  I don’t know my plans yet for when I’m going to be back here.”  It was absolutely precious!

After we finished at the school, the ladies headed back to the church compound while Mike stayed to teach his final lesson to the pastors.  We got back to the church around 8:30 and then immediately dived in to making the “American dinner” for the people at the compound.  Our cooking facilities were not at all like what we have in the US, but we were able to work through it.  First, we battered and fried the chicken and then covered that until the rest was ready.  We realized that none of our options to have a baked potato were actually going to work, so we decided we would peel the potatoes and mash them (mixing in a little “processed cheese” and butter) and that would suffice.  While this was cooking, some were also snapping the beans and getting them ready to go in the pot to be cooked.  Once all of our food was done, the cook for the church compound added a pot of rice, which was ready in a matter of minutes.  The food was brought upstairs to the dining area and everyone sat down as we served them dinner.  It was a pretty good end to a very long day.  I can’t believe we only have 1 more night left in this village.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A new day....another new start!!

So, we had decided on Tuesday night that we could get up early and take a river-boat ride on Wednesday to see a few of the other things around the Kakdwip area.  So, we got up a little earlier than the first couple of days and then headed down to the river.  We boarded the boat and spent about 15 minutes just waiting.....I have no idea on what.  Then, we headed down the river....toward the Bay of Bengal.  Along the way, we got to see a few ferries, some fishing boats and saw the Sunderbans from afar.  About 30 minutes or so into the ride, Andrew asked us if we have our passports with us.  We all reply, “no” and then he informed us that the place where we boarded was actually a customs office for folks who were leaving this area heading into Bangladesh.  OK....well, hopefully we won’t be asked for them when we get back.  About 45 minutes into the ride, we turned around and Andrew showed us where the border of Bangladesh is.
After our refreshing river-boat ride (which, by the way, was the first time all week that I felt a little cool), we headed to the school for a late breakfast and then our time with the kids.  When we were eating breakfast, Brooke said that they had seen the interpreter that we had yesterday heading in the opposite direction when we were on our way to the school.  She wanted to make sure that it was, in fact, the interpreter and it was confirmed.  As the conversation about this went on, we found out that the interpreter said that he wasn’t going to come back because there was too much gospel presented during on Tuesday and since he’s Hindu, he wasn’t going to come back.  So, this is the setting that God provided today.....all of the children with 1 person to interpret!  OK.....well, we'll start off with teaching them a motion song in English and a game that Megan taught us, Streets and Alleys.  So, we split all of the kids into 6 groups (3 girls groups and 3 guys groups) and taught a lesson from Mark 9 on who is the greatest.  One of the other things that we did in our groups was that the kids taught all of us Americans a "motion song" in Bengali.  We had NO idea what they were singing, but we were supposed to add a little "extra" something to the was interesting, to say the least!
After this, we went back to the church compound for a delicious lunch and a “quick rest.”  I have to admit, I was finally able to take advantage of the “quick rest” today and actually got a little nap in.  Then, in the afternoon, we were off to visit 2 more villages.
Our time in the villages was pretty much the same as Monday and Tuesday with the structure.  One the second village visit, the people of the village started asking us questions!!!  They were asking Mike and Brooke about their little girl and asking us different questions to find out a little more about who we are.  It was so refreshing because we had been asking questions to others all week long, so it was absolutely wonderful to have them asking us questions.  Then, Mike went back to the school to teach the pastors a little more while we went back to the church compound.
First village of Wednesday
2nd Village visit of Wednesday
Today, we had A LOT of various conversation about the gospel - just amongst our team.  We talked a lot about future opportunities in this particular area of the state and how these people are hungry for truth and they need more resources that are here.  We also talked with our partners a lot about how people in the US, at times, call themselves pastors, but have no true gospel.  OR, they have elements of the true gospel mixed with works or “feel-goodisms” or “name it and claim it” type thoughts/beliefs and how because they have something in addition to Christ, it’s still a false gospel.  One of the main things that were trying to illustrate is that there aren’t nearly as many true Christ-followers in the US as most of the world thinks.  There are a lot who give intellectual assent, but do not worship Christ above all else, which is something that I think that most people really don’t understand.
Later in the evening, at dinner, we got into a fun conversation about singleness.  YAY!!!  My favorite topic!  Mainly, we talked about how a lot of men in the US don’t know what it means to pursue a lady.  Along with that, comes the fact that most single men actually expect the ladies to make the moves....I’m just not OK with that.  So, as we were talking about all of these issues, Mike chimed in (and I’m he probably had now idea how great a compliment it felt) to say that I am using my singleness exactly the way that I’m supposed to use make disciples in all nations.  At the end of this conversation, Andrew told us that he is certified to find me a husband and that he could actually arrange me a marriage!!  Definitely something to think about, huh?  HAHA!!!
All in all, it was a great day!  Can’t wait to do it again tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Today is a new day....let’s see what we can do differently today in order to be effective....

So, last night we had to have a little discussion about the benefits/drawbacks of leaving the windows open so that we could have some air-flow in our room through the night.  The benefit - air flow.  The drawback - bugs bigger than you’ve ever seen in your life flying in the room and landing/crawling on you in your sleep.  We went for the unknown of leaving the windows open and risking the creatures invading our room.....which they did.  BUT, I was able to sleep about 2.5-3 hours at a time during the night, which was a welcome blessing and something that hadn’t happened since about a few days before leaving Birmingham.  Tuesday started a lot like Monday with devotion around 7:30 with chai and then breakfast immediately following.  Our breakfast this morning was different and consisted of bananas and eggs with a jelly sandwich.....Megan was pretty excited about this particular breakfast!
After the events of yesterday and our discussions, we realized that 4 hours is a LONG time to spend at the school each morning...especially with translation difficulties.  What we learned from Monday, though, was that we needed to hire an interpreter at this point.  So, what we had discussed was that Michael would take all of the boys with the hired interpreter and the 4 ladies would take all of the girls with Andrew as the interpreter.  We now had a plan and we headed out to the school around 10:15.  Once we got there, they all came into the worship room and we started off by singing a song or of which we taught them.  They LOVE songs with motion, so we taught them “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High” with motions and all.  After this, we split into our groups and Michael took the guys outside while the girls stayed inside.  Yesterday, the boys stayed inside while the teachers we were with worked feverishly to keep us white-skinned people out of the sun to protect us and to help keep us a little cooler.
The groups are receiving their instructions
Once everyone had split up, we divided the girls into 4 groups - 1 for each lady leading the group and we discussed the story of the Prodigal Son.  Since we realized yesterday that they love competition so much, we gave them about 10-15 minutes to discuss the story in each group and then we asked them questions to test their knowledge.  For each question they answered correctly, they were able to roll the large die and then accumulate points.  They understood the story quite well - without the help of any adult....I think that they’ve heard this one before.  After we questioned them, we tested their ability to memorize the scripture (we had told them while they were in their groups to choose 1 girl from each group to represent the group in memorizing as many scriptures as they can).  Most recited 4-8 verses from the story, but what really floored us was that 1 girl recited 14 verses from the story!!!!!  14 VERSES......after only 10 minutes!!!!  Luke 15:11-24....again, 14 verses in only 10 minutes.  And, she didn’t simply tell the story from scripture, she recited the reference with each verse!!!  What a humbling experience to witness.....I doubt seriously that I would be able to memorize 5 verses with reference in an hour and this child was able to memorize 14 verses in 10 minutes WITH scripture references!!
Each group worked diligently to get the understanding of the story and to learn the scriptures
After this, we felt like it was time to add something of a lighter note, so we continued our competition in a pretty creative way.  I had brought some balloons to make some balloon animals, so Andrew thought it would be fun to teach the girls how to make balloon animals.  It was pretty fun, actually!  Each girl made a dog out of her balloon, then the competition was introduced.  All of the balloons were strategically placed around the room while each of us (leaders of the 4 teams) discussed with our teams instructions....left, right, down, forward, etc....  Then, each team leader was blind-folded and turned around a time or 3 and followed the instructions of the girls on the team to pick up as many balloon animal dogs as she could within a few minutes.  My group came in 2nd, but I was pretty impressed with the directions that they gave me.....part of me wants to argue the final results, but I will accept 2nd at this point.  Unfortunately, I can’t find any photos of this particular game.....I so wish that I could, though!
After we finished at the school, we headed back to the church compound, had lunch and were finally able to take a little advantage of the afternoon “rest” by catching a short nap during the heat of the day.
Playing the game of Snakes and Ladders
The telling of the story of the Prodigal Son to those
who stayed to visit more with us
After our rest, we went to visit 2 more hand-pump sites.  When we arrived at the first one, they were very welcoming to our information and our games that we played (same as the previous day with the river-crossing skit, then the lesson on microbes and the Snakes and Ladders game).  They got involved in the roll play and asked us to visit some of their houses.  Mike was asked to share a parable, but was told that he couldn't mention Jesus as there were about 30+ people present and we were in the open.  He told the story of the Prodigal Son and then followed up with questions which were very interesting.  We asked (well, Mike, on our behalf asked) if they had seen people like us before.  They said, "no".  Then, he asked, what makes us so different and they responded that they had not seen people with that "skin color and hair color” - I’m pretty sure that the hair color one was a reference to me as I was the only non-brunette in the group.  This is something that I’ve sort of gotten accustomed to since this was my 3rd visit to the country.....and, I’m a bit taller than most of them too.  We visited a few other houses in this village and then headed out to the second hand-pump site of the day.
One of the houses we were privileged to visit in the first village
Sunset view at the first village we went to on Tuesday
Praying with the ladies with whom we were able to share
When we arrived, it was already dark, so there were very few people present.  We saw the hand-pump site, which was right in front of a Hindu temple structure - I can’t explain the emotions that this brings up in a land where so many gods are worshipped, the One, True and living God is providing clean water to the people and they don’t even recognize it.  It takes me back to the Old Testament so often of how God’s glory gets misplaced and the worship that He alone deserves is given to earthly idols and man-made creations.  It’s Romans 1 lived out on a daily basis!  At this site, there were a couple of ladies present and they invited us in to their home.  Since we were in a home and the men of the home weren’t present, we had an open door to share the gospel with these ladies.  Heather shared the story of the Prodigal Son story with them. She followed the story by asking these ladies if they had ever heard of Jesus.  They responded that, yes, they had heard of him, from the Catholic Church.  They also added that he was one of the idols.  While we know that this was not the message of the Catholic church, this was the message that these ladies received.  So, we were able to follow this statement with explaining how Jesus is not simply another idol, but He alone has sacrificed so that we can have life and He demands all worship from us and He alone is to be praised and worshipped.....there is no other.  I was able to pray with these ladies in their home and the reality that they now have heard the truth of the gospel that God created the world; every human is corrupted by sin; God’s Son, Jesus Christ, was sent to bear the wrath of sin and to prove His power over death by His resurrection; all who believe on Him ALONE will be reconciled to God forever.  These ladies and those in their household have now heard the basic, simple truth that is the gospel and didn’t choose to follow Christ that night.  We will continue to pray for these ladies that God will open their eyes and draw them to Himself to give them forgiveness and restoration that can be found in no other idol on this planet.....not even in one of the multiple millions that are worshipped in India.
After this visit, we went back to the school property for a snack and then time with the evangelists.  Our plans shifted a little and Megan, Heather and I headed back to the church property while Brooke and Roshni visited to try and reduce some of the effects of the motion sickness induced by the heat and rather bumpy, swervy ride to the villages.  Megan, Heather and I decided to use our time as wisely as we could by washing a few clothes and taking care of a few other things before dinner.  When Brooke, Michael, Andrew and Roshni returned, we had dinner and then got ready for bed.
Things of the day that I found very hard to reconcile include:
  • The image of Jesus as just one of many idols.  Since this is my 3rd trip to India, this is something that I’ve been introduced to each time, but I’ve never really had the experience of being in someone else’s home who views my Savior as simply 1 idol among many that can be worshipped.  It breaks my heart for them as it’s a clear picture that the god of this world is blinding the hearts of men to keep them from learning about the truth of the One, True God.
  • There are hindu temples set up on the sides of the road by each house that we pass....some built of more sturdy foundations than the houses that they are in front of.  It is clear that more value is placed on worshipping a dead god/idol than building the structure that protects them from the rain, heat and scorching sun of each day.  Not only that, but they are completely devoted to the worship of these idols that have no value.  I don’t think that I can explain well the emotions that this brings out in me.
Today was another LONG, HOT DAY!!!!  But, after the day that God has ordained as today, I’m eagerly awaiting what He has in store for us tomorrow!!